Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Cooking Deal

Tonight at dinner I made a deal with my parents. Once a week I am going to cook dinner. For those of you who don't know my mom she is a control freak. I love her dearly but she wants things done a very particular way. You all know those people who ask you for help but while doing whatever it is they asked you to do they come and take it over anyways, that is my mom. So after I proposed this topic she already told me what I would be making on Wednesday but she did promise that after this week she would have no input and I could decide what to make. Now please don't think that I am turning this blog into a remake of Julie and Julia, which I loved! I am simple attempting something new which was part of my resolutions for the new year. While I enjoying hosting I am terrible cook. Terrible in the way that I once baked a cake with vinegar. In my defense the birthday girl absolutely loved it and ate the whole thing because it really gave it a lemon zing! Regardless of how terrible a cook I am I do love food. Really, really love food. One of my most shameful secrets is that I have the ability to eat two Chipotle burritos in one sitting. Please don't judge me I am really not proud to admit this. So this is my attempt at trying something different that will combine a lacking talent with a passionate interest and I will keep you all posted on how it goes. Please, please give me recipe ideas!
One day I can only hope to be able to make something like this...
What movie is this from???

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Treat for the Day

Today while doing the homework for my online art class I came across a painting done by John Sloane that made me instantly smile. It reminded me of when I was in New York City this fall with some of my favorites. I stared at while eating a snickers. I suggest you do the same.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Wine Hangover

We all know that every hangover is terrible. Every time I wake up the next morning dizzy, nauseous, and in physical pain I swear on my life that I will never drink again. It is usually a short lived declaration but I am in college so, for now, I have an excuse to keep torturing myself. I am sure most of us have heard all the secrets to killing a hangover or avoiding one in the first place which include greasy food, drinking 8 cups of water before going to bed, drinking a beer in the morning, etc. We also all know that when you get "that hangover" no cure in the whole world will make you feel better. "That hangover" is the one that leaves you helpless on the couch all day, running back and forth to the bathroom, unable to eat, unable to drink, unable to breath. "That hangover" is usually a result of the liquor, something everyone should just stay away from. Nobody has ever started a sentence with "I am so glad I had that shot." Even though the liquor hangover is one of the worst I would like to introduce a different hangover that some people may have been lucky to avoid, the wine hangover.

Oh the wine hangover! Only those who enjoy wine enough to allow yourself to get a hangover from it will understand what I am talking about but man oh man it is the worst. This hangover is the one that leaves you with a scratchy throat and an acidic stomach. This hangover leaves you grabbing your head for hours thinking that there is actually someone pulling it apart. This hangover hurts your entire body and almost always leaves you with a head cold. No coffee, water or greasy food makes you feel better. If you are ever cursed with the wine hangover I truly do feel for you.

This weekend I had the pleasure of a wonderful get together with my favorite friends, the phlock and the wine was really flowing! Waking up the next morning with the wine hangover made me immediately judge my life decisions and question where I was going. It also made me realize that drinking red wine till 4 am is never a good decision but oh man I do love my red wine.