Not really. I know I have been absent for quite some time but the only honest reason I can give is that there was not a whole lot going on. To be really honest, I was lazy. While I don't have anything exciting to share that has happened in my absence which inspired me back to the blogging world, I can say that I simply missed it.
Summer is ending and I couldn't be happier about it. Summer is the poor man's Fall. There are a couple of reasons I can't wait for Fall. One of the main, and very shallow, reasons is to wear my Frye riding boots that I bought this summer. Whatever, they are sweet. Another reason is simply because I am catching a cold every day at work from the blasting air conditioning. The air has to be on because it is 90 out and every time I step outside I start sweating. My body can't handle this. Fall is also closer to Spring which is when I plan on moving out of my parent's house.
Now that I had my Grinch moment I will say that all in all it was a nice summer. A whole lot of family time and outside fun. This past weekend we went to Ann Arbor to move my brother into his new apartment. He starts school at the University of Michigan this fall and it hit me that I was not going back to school this fall for the first time in my life.
What a bummer.
Our summer shadows. My brother thinks he is sweet.
"Because you can't go back now"- Gotta love The Weepies