Monday, January 4, 2010

Is it possible to have too much holiday??

I have always looked forward to the Christmas season. Mainly because all my siblings come home and the older we have gotten the less we see each other. Also, like many others, I look forward to the food, drinks, and presents galore! I still get excited on Christmas Eve, I love squinting my eyes when looking at the Christmas tree (you know what I am talking about), I never diet during the season and I spend most of the time in my pajamas. Now that this holiday season has officially come to end and I have time to reflect I have concluded.....this year there was way to much holiday! I know it has to be because Thanksgiving was so late this year and there was only a month later till Christmas. I also know that I had multiple celebrations with my family because of this and because of celebrating my Grandpa's 80th birthday in the middle of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am not ungrateful at all! I am also not disappointed that I saw my family so much what I am tired of is eating drinking, staying up so late, laying around all day and the winter weather. I think after this month of eating and drinking I need a major detox!! In spite of being incredible bloated and exhausted there were a number of holiday memories....

1. My parents still won't let their kids use the downstairs shower because its for "guest" and therefore all five adult kids had to share one bathroom.

2. The temperature dropping to single digits and soon as New Years Eve came about (Literally on January 31st).

3. The annual Christmas Brunch with the phlock, woo woo.

4. Running into people from high school and wishing I hadn't.

5. My cousin Kevin calling me a couple times in a row and repeating everything he said the first time he called me. (That was not sarcastic, actually awesome)

6. Watching old season for lost in preparation for the last season premiering in February!!

7. Spending much needed time with good family and Friends and being able to appreciate all of my blessings!!

Happy New Year!!

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