Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Tonight I had a breakdown. The kind that you don't know what it was that set you off but something does and you just start sobbing and you can't stop and then you realize all these other things that make you cry harder and harder till your eyes are puffy and your nose is running. I had one of those today. My dad was there and he let me cry on his work shirt and get mascara on it. To be honest he might have not seen the mascara yet but nonetheless he still let me cry on his shoulder. My dad is really good with these breakdowns. I wish I could say this was my first one but to be honest I have had a lot of them through out my life and my dad always makes it better. Even after he lets me bawl for a good amount of time he continues to come up to me the rest of the night and give me hugs and kisses so I know he is thinking about me.

I can't really pin point why I broke down but I think it was just life in general. The stress of graduating and trying to find a job. Maybe it was because I am living at home and it tends to get a little lonely. Overall I think I was just tired. No matter how old I get I still have little kid tendencies to get crabby when I am hungry, cry when I am exhausted, and get stomach aches on a daily basis. All in all it was a good cry. It was a needed cry. Usually after I have a huge breakdown like that I feel better. Just more calm and more confident. Besides in my family breakdowns can only last for a short amount of time because somebody can do something to make you laugh. Brendan can make it better by doing crazy poses like this for my photography project. No joke, he stands like this on the football field and that is how I can tell it is him. Maybe not this dramatic but pretty dramatic.

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