Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Vegetable People

While eating the most delicious apple today I thought to myself, fruit is so good! Look at how gorgeous it is! After my apple I then switched to a bag of carrots and I thought to myself, blah.
I personally see no competition between the two. Fruit is a hands down winner. When presented with steamed green beans or a juicy piece of pineapple who actually reaches for the beans? There are people in the world who think that vegetables are better then fruits. I know this because I use to date one of them and now I realize that should have been my first clue. There has to be something wrong with you if you choose vegetables over fruits. Of course there are delicious vegetables. Asparagus is always great, corn on the cob can hit the spot and potatoes are always a win. However, has anyone ever noticed that vegetables are really only good when you change them by adding something else to make them have a little flava. You rarely eat vegetables raw like you do fruit (keep in mind I said rarely, not never). Fruit always keeps it natural and real much like my gorgeous head of hair (woo woo).


  1. I'm not a veggie person too. I do agree, sometimes they only taste better because you've added something. Like brown sugar. :) Happy Holidays from mattkendrick.com!

  2. I don't know.... I'm one of those rare people who loves eating celery-- just straight up. And I like the yellow parts of it, the small pieces on the inside.

    Same way with lettuce.

    What's wrong with me?

    Oh, and asparagus is okay if it's roasted with butter and salt. But it still makes your pee-pee stink like the dickens.

  3. I eat so much fruit it's ridiculous. SO MUCH. I LOVE IT.

  4. Mr. Apron. I do eat celery straight up too. I forgot about that. However it's usually preceded by buffalo wings. Not to mention celery/peanut-butter snacks!
