Friday, May 11, 2012

The 3 Way Convo

Last night my old sister, Mary Kate, and I went to see our younger brother, Brendan, play in his LAX game. It was his senior night so we wanted to go show a little support. I just can't believe how old he has gotten. He has some serious swag people.

Crushin it on the reg

On the way home I started up a great conversation with my other two siblings, Nora and Michael, who are both out west right now about to make the route 66 journey home. It went a little something like this, just try to keep up...

Me: Hey guys! Brendan scored at his senior night! You guys aren't bringing dates to Mks wedding right?

Nora: Yay! Are you?

Michael: Does he have any more game next week?

Nora: Yes. Ignatious we can go to that Micahel

Me: Are you joking?

Michael: K, good

Nora: Why would I be joking about Brendan's lacross game?

Michael: I've tried to go to 2 and they've both been rained out (He is really focusing in on the LAX game)

Me: I thought you were saying yay as in you were bringing a date to the wedding...

Michael: Why are you asking if we are bringing dates? I thought were weren't allowed.

Nora: Are you bringing a date bridge?

Me: hahaha no we aren't. No I am not for sure.

Nora: Who would you bring?

Michael: Ok, I am really confused now

Me: I just wanted to make sure we all weren't because I don't want to look lame.

Nora: Are you seeing someone? (She thinks this my secret way of saying I have a boyfriend...)

Me: No not at all

Michael: What the heck is going on? Why are we even having this conversation.

Me: Omg this is a misunderstanding. I'm still single and I'm not bringing a date to the wedding.
(The first step is admitting it right?)

Nora: Okay that was weird

Michael: Ok, good...well sorta good.

Yes Michael, sorta good.  I think this explains why all three of us aren't bringing dates to the wedding but at least we won't look lame.




  1. To clarify... it wasn't that you weren't aloud I just didn't want you bringing a rando I was forced to make small talk with all day

  2. Bridge, you are all FOOLS! Though I must admit, that level of confusion takes place on a daily basis in the conversations I have with my mom on the phone.

    Me: "Mom, I don't know what to wear tonight to this party."
    Mom: "What? You're at a baseball game and you're starving?"

    Close, Ma. Close.

  3. Lovely, guys. I learned some valuable information from this mockery of a conversation, because I was also debating the "allowed/not allowed" issue. Congrats on the goal, Brendan. Bridget Marjorie, keep up the fine work.

    -Cousin Kev
