Thursday, May 24, 2012

City Noises

I love city noises. To be totally honest, I hate silence. Maybe its because I grew up in a full house filled with a lot of commotion but I don't do well with total silence. I find it creepy, my mind wanders (not in a good way), and I get really lonely. 
Now don't get me wrong. We all love our alone time. Everyone once in awhile I enjoy when the roomies are out. I can order a pizza, that is the size of my body, and catch up on every every trashy/awesome television show I have missed. 
However, the noise is part of the reason that I love, love, love living in the city. I always enjoy hearing the trains go by, cars trying to fit into small spots, people running, and even the occasional drunk conversation as people stumble home from GSP. 
The city noises always comfort me. 
So I came outside tonight and sat on my front stoop and just chilled.
It was pretty awesome. 

I listened to this on repeat, found on this blog. One of my favs. 

Love, love, love

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