Friday, August 3, 2012


Lately I  have started the process of looking at grad schools and deciding where I want to apply. It has been a bit overwhelming to say the least. So much of it depends on how you score on the GRE, where you want to live and, most importantly, money. The thought of taking on $40,000 in debt makes me want to cry a little. 
What if I cant find a job that pays enough to start paying off these loans?
 What if I cant handle working and going to school and end up having a mental break down?
What if I decide I don't want to do this half way through the program?
I know I need to keep going and get the ball rolling but sometimes I wish someone would just do it for me while I took a nap.


In the meantime I will focus on keeping my goal of eating Greek yogurt everyday and enjoying living in one of the greatest cities in the world.

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!

Love, love, love

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