Friday, October 19, 2012


My friend C always plays "Freedom" in honor of Friday and I think everyone should pretty much blast that right now.

I had a number of good things happen this week. 
1. I found out that I can watch "Game of Thrones" at my sisters since she has HBO. This is awesome since winter is coming. Pun intended.

2. I made my first attempt at a recipe on pinterest and it was huge success. I think these are suppose to be a healthy pizza option. Even though they were good its time that we all accept the fact that there is no awesome alternative for pizza. Pizza is amazing just the way it is and we need to stop acting like some sort of fake, healthy option will be equivalent. You can never replace pizza so stop trying.

3. I started trying a little more at work. I'm not talking about productivity I am referring to the way I look. I just added little things to my look like brushing my hair, wearing lipstick and adding some blush to this porcelain face. I have never gotten so many compliments in my life. I would be lying if I said I didn't eat it up but it also begs the awful did I look before?

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Love, love, love

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