Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Don't Want To Hear It!

Today, while working not at all intensely, a couple of my work friends and I discussed a number of issues in the world ranging from how mean hippos are (it's true...look that s**t up) to the end of the world happening.

 I am sure you have all heard about the theory of the world ending in December 2012. In fact, many of you believe it. Whatever your thoughts on the theory I am choosing to ignore it. I tend to fall on the side of "what you don't know can't hurt you" and I feel very strongly about this when it comes to the end of the world. 

Personally, if the world is going to end just don't tell me. I would rather be casually enjoying a cup of coffee reading a good book when the times comes than sitting in pure chaos sobbing, puking and sweating. A friend of mine said, "Don't you want to know to say goodbye to good friends or family." Ummmm No! I am a 25 year old, single, female who has no idea what they are doing on a daily basis. I have enough emotional conversations in my life as it is. Come on. 

I can only imagine the craziness that will be happening that day in December. I am just going to take it one day at a time and not think about the world ending. I'm hoping that life will have me so distracted I won't notice what is going on till it's over. 

Love, love, love

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