Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Recent Updates/Thoughts

I recently started taking a GRE prep course one night a week. By recently I mean I have gone to one class so far. The first class was a tad overwhelming to say the least. It started with me realizing I don't remember any math and it ended with me realizing that I have a million hours of work ahead of me. I think enrolling in this course is really appropriate to my current quarter life crisis. Ya know, just in case I wasn't freaking out enough about where my life was going. 
The big test day is November 10th so I have right around two months to get my sh*t together. 

Along with studying for the GRE I am currently dealing with some gallbladder issues. After spending a number of nights sprinting to a bathroom to get violently ill (sorry for the visual) I decided it was time to see a doctor. I had an ultrasound this morning for about an hour and I am currently waiting for the results. Unfortunately, those technicians can't tell you anything about what the results are. They were able to tell me that I had a "good looking liver." If only that is what I what I needed to land myself a rich hottie. Not that those are what I am looking for in a guy or anything. 

Last random idea of the day...I am really into the show "How to Make it in America." Get into it. 

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