Thursday, May 23, 2013

Not Figuring it Out

Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you

I think one of my big lessons I learned growing up and have just started accepting might never fully figure it out. When I was younger I always assumed that each year would get me closer. School tells you that when you pass the test, class or paper you move on to the next chapter, step, or challenge.
Now as an adult I realize that once I complete one step I just have three more I need to get past and I still don't really know where I am going. 

The other thing that school really doesn't teach you is that it's totally okay if you never figure it out. I find that some of us are not meant to find are perfect place in life but instead to focus on the little things that make us happy. Maybe your hobbies just end of staying hobbies and you never find your dream job.  I think the most important thing to remember is that sometimes you have to do things you don't want to just to get through every day as long as you have something in the day that makes you happy. Enjoy life any way you can. 

Love, love, love

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