Sunday, May 26, 2013


The Brosnan clan is off to Ireland today! I will be checked out for the next 8 days and I could not be more excited about it! 


Stay classy!

Love, love, love

Friday, May 24, 2013

Reasons I Can Be the Worst

Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits

Nothing like talking shi* about yourself to get the weekend going! Woo woo!  

Lets jump right into it. 

1. I am a bottler. 
I hold in my emotions till one final thing sets me off and then I just explode. I scream, I cry, I make zero sense. I bring up irrelevant issues and use it as proof points. I basically end up just looking like a mess. 

2. I am lazy. 
I mean really really lazy. I hate doing anything that needs any sort of effort. If it were up to me I would lay around all day and get paid for it and stay healthy. 

3. I am not brave. 
I don't take big leaps in life. I don't do a lot of thing out of my comfort zone. I tend to only make decision that I know will work out. A lot of brave acts terrify me. I don't know what happened that made me this way because I like to think I haven't alway been that way but at some point things changed and its left me with a fear of doing anything courageous. It's my biggest fault and something that I am really working on. 
Love, love, love

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Not Figuring it Out

Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you

I think one of my big lessons I learned growing up and have just started accepting might never fully figure it out. When I was younger I always assumed that each year would get me closer. School tells you that when you pass the test, class or paper you move on to the next chapter, step, or challenge.
Now as an adult I realize that once I complete one step I just have three more I need to get past and I still don't really know where I am going. 

The other thing that school really doesn't teach you is that it's totally okay if you never figure it out. I find that some of us are not meant to find are perfect place in life but instead to focus on the little things that make us happy. Maybe your hobbies just end of staying hobbies and you never find your dream job.  I think the most important thing to remember is that sometimes you have to do things you don't want to just to get through every day as long as you have something in the day that makes you happy. Enjoy life any way you can. 

Love, love, love

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)

I feel like I have already done a lot of complaining lately and I am bored of hearing myself talk. Let me stress that majority of the time I am happy and upbeat person who really is not hating on the world. 

With that being said I figure I will just reiterate one of my biggest irritations in life... humidity. 
Today while riding the bus I was dripping in sweat. I mean beads of sweat dripping down my face to the point that my hair line was soaked and it looked like I just ran a half marathon. I know you are all thinking how embarrassing for me. However, I saw another man on the bus literally grasping for the windows to pull them all open because he too was dripping. It was f'ing miserable. It hit me that this is what the next 3-4 months were going to be like so I need to plan on wearing the least amount of clothes that is socially acceptable. 

Do you know what is even more annoying than dripping in sweat everyday is when someone says to you "I love this weather." Those people are just the worst. The absolutely worst. 

Love, love, love

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Favorite Posts

Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

Holla people! Happy Tuesday! Here are some of my favorite posts...not to brag or anything. 

Love, love, love

Monday, May 20, 2013

What "Grinds my Gears"

Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.

I think I spend enough time in life and on this blog telling the world about my problems. Plus I recently just cried to my dad and sister about my life (By recently I mean yesterday) so I don't really feel in the mood to harp on it to much. Instead I will give you a list of things that "grind my gears" currently. 

1. Humidity. I just can't deal with the constant sweating too and from work. It a definite mood killer when you have to pick out an outfit thinking "what is going to show the least amount of sweat?" 

2. Obnoxious commuters. If you want to ride public transportation get your sh** together. Move to the back, don't freak out before your stop, and watch your backpack.

3. Art snobs. People who think they know more about movies, music or anything art related. You know those people who don't like anything and find something wrong with everything. They think they know more than you so if you like something they just tell you that you are wrong instead of just accepting that people have a difference of opinion. We all know people like that. 

4. People who are behind on a television series so you can't talk about it. If you decide to start watching a television series when the series is already on is 5th season you just need to deal with spoilers. Life. 

5. . When you say the thing that everyone is thinking and no one backs you up so you just look like a really rude person. The worst is when you say it and that person walks away and everyone is like "totally girl I was thinking that too." Ummm why didn't you back me up jerk?

Happy Monday! Hopefully the week goes fast! 

Love, love, love

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Blogger Love

Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

I think anyone who takes the time to blog has a little special place in my heart. Its very brave to be able to share your life with other so I think all bloggers are pretty sweet people. Here are some of my favs in no particular order.  

1. I Think My Tummy Hurts: Early this month I gave a shout out to my cousin KQ for her awesome blog. KQ gives you creative tidbits of her life and it tends to be consistently refreshing. 

2. Across The Pond: Megan shares stories of her life over seas with a side of style and humor. 

3. Explore. Dream. Discover:  Liz is another blogger living over seas who shares all her incredible traveling adventures through her amazing photos. 

4. A Cup of Jo: A blog that share advice, stories and links to things across the web while giving you insight into a mothers life in NYC. 

5. The Bauble Dept:  This is a new blog that I stumbled upon through the may challenge and I have really  enjoyed reading Allison stories. I highly recommend checking it out. 

Love, love, love

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sister Time

Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood.  

Damn peeps who would have thought I would have kept up with this challenge! To all the haters...suck it. 

One of my favorite memories growing up involves both my sisters. We grew up in the time of awesome pop singers. I'm talking NSync, BSB, Britney Spears and the Spice Girls. 
Nora and I shared a room growing up so we spent a lot of time just hanging out together. One particular night we were getting ready for bed and when our older sister busted in the room singing "Spice up your life" holding the Spice Girl CD above her head. She has just gone to Target with mom and decided so surprise Nora and I with the Spice Girl CD. Back then it was a big deal to get a CD. That was basically the only way you could listen to music. So getting a CD was a really big deal. You would have thought the Spice Girls themselves came into our room with how quickly Nora and I jumped up and 
started screaming. 

We quickly found out that MK grabbed the Spice World CD instead of the Spice Girls CD but it was the thought that counts. We put the CD on and danced anyways.

Being older I look back on those moments with my sisters very fondly. My mom has shown us the importance of having your sisters in your life. She is one of 5 girls and is close to everyone one of them. I like to think that my sister and I will always be close and in each others life but you never really know what is going to happen. I am lucky to have those special memories.  

Love, love, love

Friday, May 17, 2013


Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why

I had a really hard time deciding what picture to choose. I just have so many good ones! NOT! I decided to go with this one because it tells everything. This picture was taken at my cousins Katie's wedding. That day while getting dressed I ripped the zipper on my dress. Unfortunately I had no other dress to wear. I know you don't believe me but I was so desperate that I put on my PROM DRESS and thought I could go in that. Thankfully, my friends were there to tell me no. I had to leave in about ten minutes so I just sat down and accepted defeat. I just told myself I couldn't go to her wedding. Lucky, I lived with my friend Lisa who is normal and was able to call a friend of ours for me to borrow a dress (now my brothers GF!). I made it to wedding with minutes to spare but just a tad flustered. 

This picture represents the story of my life. Nothing goes smoothly but still manages to almost always work out.  

I also learned my lesson of always have two options! 
Happy Friday everyone! We made it! 

Love, love, love

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Gluten-Free Challenges

Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it

I feel a little lame to bring this up again but my main struggle these day is going gluten-free. After being told I most likely have a gluten intolerance issue I struggled with how seriously I should take the whole gluten-free lifestyle. I finally decided, after a gluten filled weekend in Cleveland, that unless I want to spend majority of my life in pain or in the bathroom I should probably take it seriously. 

Here is the thing. Gluten is not just bread, gluten is in EVERYTHING! Going gluten-free has been a complete lifestyle change and one that I struggle with every day. Don't get me wrong, I do have my moments where I say F it and I eat something that I know will cause me to be in the bathroom for a long amount of time. But a girl needs to get crazy sometimes! 

My siblings especially have been really helpful in the gluten-free lifestyle. They have shown there support by sharing information they come across, altering what they order and just letting me talk about it. I can't imagine how annoying it is to constantly hear me go on and on about being gluten-free and the things I learn but they still just let me do it. When they let me get things off my chest it makes me feel like they acknowledge and support what I am going through which is all you can ask for in the ridiculous world of food allergies. 

One of the biggest challenges that I am working on overcome is people's insensitivity to it. I don't know how else to explain it to people..."No I am not gluten-free because I am trying to lose weight but instead trying to avoid puking and having explosive diarrhea at the same time." (Sorry for the visual). Its difficult to have a conversation with someone when they say "we all just need to eat healthier." First of all, that is not true. Plenty of people can eat whatever they want and feel fine. Second, don't act like everyone has a gluten intolerance issue. It really belittles what people with food allergies are going through. Unfortunately, we all come across insensitive people and its something you just have to deal with in life. But I totally understand if you want to smack those people sometimes. (Don't really do it though, its a great way to get arrested.)

Lately, I have been focusing on the bright side of things. I don't have Celiac disease  and for that I am very grateful. Celiac disease is extreme and serious and the lifestyle change that many  make it beyond what I can imagine. For me, I need to find more of a balance of what works for me and what doesn't. Every day is a new learning.

I constantly remind myself....It could always be worse! :)


Love, love, love

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Glance At My Day

Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)

My day usually starts the same way every morning. Get out of bed, debate whether I am going to wash my hair (don't worry I shower every day), and struggle with my contacts. I have a very love hate relationship with contacts.  After I am somewhat presentable I will  relax for about 10-20 minutes before work.
This has been my relaxing morning lately. I highly recommend it! 

After I get distracted for about 10 minutes too long I realize I am late for work and hustle out the door. Now that it is spring my morning walk to the train stop has been colorful! 

Unfortunately, my typical day from 9-5 is basically looking at this all day. Don't die of jealousy just yet.  

But I added my personal touch to my wonderful cube space so it doesn't look so sad. In case you were wondering, the elephants name is Leonard. Also, the professional picture of the boy is not my boyfriend, just my brother's senior picture.  

There is a point in the day where my lack of windows cause me to get panicky and I realize I need fresh air or chocolate and coffee. Most times one of coworkers joins me! 

After work I keep myself busy by getting together with friends or family.  Today was no different. I headed back to the burbs to see my sister Nora who recently moved back to Chicago!!

She picked me up from the train in this killer warm up suit from high school soccer. No she wasn't the the star athlete on the team but she looks pretty legit. She is currently cleaning out her closet and this did not make it to the donate bag. 

Like most nights with my siblings, there was plenty of giggles and silliness to go around. We spent most of the night talking about our upcoming trip to Ireland and attempted using the inflatable pillow that my mom got everyone for the plane. Don't let these pictures fool's not very comfortable. 

With minor tweaks here and there this is how I spend most days! 

Love, love, love

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Ten Favorite Things

Day 14, Tuesday: Ten things that make you really happy

This was tough to narrow down to ten things but I gave it a try. These are the ten things that are currently making me really happy. 
FYI: This is in no particular order.

1.  Baby Watkins arrival-October 18th can not come soon enough
2. My family helping me go gluten-free- My little brother even ordered gluten-free pizza this weekend and my sister surprised me with a book called "Gluten is my Bitch"
3. My dog Darby laying her head on my lap- It is her way of letting you know that she is there, just in case we forgot...
4. Sibling nights spent reminiscing and laughing
5. A good book series-remember my post on Harry Potter?
6. Re-watching my favorite episodes of Scrubs
7. Written vows
8. Old photographs
9. Reunions with my high school girl
10. Coffee talks- a good cup of coffee over even better conversation

Love, love, love

Monday, May 13, 2013

I'm Sorry Im Nosy

Day 13, Monday: Issue a public apology. 

Dear stranger on the blue line,

I'm sorry I was reading your text over your shoulder. You caught me right as I was on the third line down and quickly put your phone away. I can't imagine how annoyed you were with me considering you didn't know me. If it makes you feel any better I did not really see what anyone was saying but I would be lying if I said I wasn't craning my neck to find out. 

I was very embarrassed when you caught me intruding on your privacy and I am truly sorry. 

Stranger with a braid reading your text 

Happy Monday everyone! I hope today is not as bad as we always expect it to be. 

Love, love, love

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I Miss Harry Potter

Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

With the ABC Marathon happening this weekend I was able to reflect all day on this topic.  I miss Harry Potter. 

I like to think that I grew up with Harry Potter. The first book came out when I was in fifth grade and I was the same age as HP. Every year as the new book was released we read about the HP group facing, not only a number of growing pains, but also some life threatening incidences. Pretty on par with what I was always going through at the time. I wasn't constantly stared at for a lightening bolt scar on my forehead and for saving the wizard world but I was one of the tallest kids in my class with super thick eyebrows and sideburns so I might as well had a lightening bolt on my forehead. 

Like most HP fans after reading the last book there was a feeling of emptiness. Most of us couldn't imagine that there was no more HP to look forward. Luckily, with the new trend of turning books into major motion pictures, we had the eight 3 hour movies to fill that empty spot in our hearts until that to came to end. Like Harry, most of us fans are survivors.We learned to live with ABC marathons, rereading the books and secret bonding with someone after they mutter "I wish I could apparate out of here." 

And just when we thought thats all we had in walks Game of Thrones. With two final books to look forward to we have time to jump into another 7 series book. And even though it will never replace our HP love you will still have some secret bonding over..."Winter is coming." 

Love, love, love

Happy Mother's Day Babs!

Today is Mother's Day and I have one awesome mom! 

Happy Mother's Day Babs! I am so blessed to have you in my life. You are the most amazing mother and I can only hope to be half of what you are one day. I can only imagine what an amazing grandma you are very soon going to be.  Thanks for everything! We all love you! 

Love, love, love

Saturday, May 11, 2013

10 Words

Day 11, Saturday: Sell yourself in 10 words or less

This is a tough one and I don't even know where to begin. I am going cheat a little and use my profile from a dating website I recently deactivated from. No, I didn't meet anyone special. Apparently my list of things I like didn't grab me my perfect match. Where are the other frequent visitors of the vending machine for nacho cheese doritos? 

Here we go. 
"Outgoing, laid back, close with friends/family, a good listener."
I will also include a little selfie so you all have something to look at. 

The focus is definitely on Lisa in the background...but don't I look fun! Maybe I should use this as my picture for future dating sites?

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Love, love, love

Friday, May 10, 2013

Social Faux Pas

Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill. 

One of my most embarrassing moments (that's right I have many) involves making a social faux pas at a wake. Sadly, a good family friend past away very suddenly. I went to pay my respects to his family, and unfortunately made a huge a** out of myself. Let me preface this story by saying that I never handle wakes well. I panic and never know what to say or what to do and always end up handling the situation wrong; if there even is right way to handle these situations.

This particular incident was no different. I got in line to pay my respects to the family with my sister and immediately broke into a cold sweat and started panicking about what I was going to say as I got up there. When we got up to his brother I went to say how sorry I was for his lost and called him by his brothers name! (The one who passed away and whose wake we were at)!!!! I WAS MORTIFIED!!! His sister quickly stepped over and said.."Bridget you know that is not his name..hahaha." Of course I tried to apologize and mumbled something awkward and walked away in a panic and instantly burst into tears. My older sister came up behind me with that look of WTF?! I could not stop crying to the point that one of this families cousins came up to me to comfort me. 

So at this point I am uncontrollably sobbing and bright red in the corner of this wake while one of the cousins of this family I was attempting to pay my respect to was stroking my shoulder and telling me that is okay. Completely backwards of what should have been happening! Eventually my sister and I left as I continued to blush in the car. Through out the night every time I thought of what I did I would bury my face and start crying. To this day I cringe when I think about that situation and how terrible I handled it. 

Tip: Don't ever ever do this at a wake. You will look like a huge huge a** and also insensitive. 
Love, love, love

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Morning Coffee

Day 9, Thursday: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words).
My morning coffee is my favorite part of the day. It's peaceful and energizing all at the same time. It is one of the quiet moments in my day where I don't over think everything. During the work week I try to spend 20 minutes every morning alone drinking coffee and just surfing the web to get my day started. Maybe I will read a little or check my mail but whatever I do I just sit and breath and enjoy the quiet. Growing up my dad had a strict no radio in the morning policy whenever he drove to work and I think I adapted that. Being older I realized why that was so important to hime. It was his quiet moment. Maybe the only quiet moment he had during the day.You never know how the day is going to go and you might never get that moment to yourself so its important to grab that peace when you can.
Love, love, love

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Be Present

Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

I know I have said this before but the best advice I could give anyone is to live in the present. It's so easy to get stuck in past or over think the future. When we do this we tend to miss out on where we are at in life. It may not be where you want to be but it where you are and if you try you can enjoy it. 
Remember the past and recognize it as something that shaped where you are today. Look forward to the future. Have dreams, goals and moves that you want to make. But it's important to remind ourselves that some much of life is out of our control and to not get wrapped up in things that are over or out of reach at the moment. Life changes so quickly and if you don't enjoy the day you might miss out on some really great things.  

Via. Via.
This is a constant theme of on this blog so its pretty clear I have struggled with this myself. We are 
all a work in progress. :)

Love, love, love

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I Am Most Afraid Of

Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of.
Like most of us, the thing I am most afraid of is losing a loved one. I have been very blessed with never having to experience a lose and I don't know how I would handle it. My family and friends are the most important thing in my life and without them I would not be who I am today. When I hear about other people having to go through that my heart breaks for them. I can't imagine what that is like to experience and I hope that I don't have to for a long time. It is moments of refelection like this that I find out how truly lucky and blessed I am.
Besides that some of my irrelational fears include sharks, sinkholes (I mean WTF?), any natural disaster, someone breaking into my home and attacking me, and diseases that have no cures, and storms. I HATE storms!
Now please enjoy a number of pictures that includes some (not all) of my loved ones.



Love, love, love